1900 year old Roman inscription found underwater
(Courtesy:of the University of Haifa)
The legendary revolt that took place against the Roman Empire from 132 to 136 AD was eventually crushed by Emperor Hadrian, resulting in the exile of Jews. Jerusalem was renamed to 'Aelia Capitolina' and Judea to 'Syria Palestina'. Archaeologists were able to determine that the emperor Antiques found on the inscription, ruled over Judea just prior to this revolt.
This has come as a big blow to all anti-Semites who never accepted the historical Jewish claim to the land of Israel. UNESCO just recently voted that the Jews had no historical claim to the Temple Mount, site of the ancient Jewish temples and the center of the Jewish world.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted
He slammed the UNESCO vote in Oct this year stating "Today UNESCO adopted its second decision this year denying the Jewish people's connection to the Temple Mount, our holiest site for more than 3,000 years, The theater of the absurd continues at the UN."
The Palestinians have reputedly been trying to destroy evidence of the Jewish claim to the Temple Mount for years. More details here.
Reference|Source: The Times of Israel